lundi 20 octobre 2008

Sommet de la Francophonie (Québec, du 17 au 19 octobre)

Le XIIème sommet de la Francophonie qui s'est tenu du 17 au 19 octobre s'est achevé dimanche sur fond de crise financière.

Le Sommet de la Francophonie rassemble, tous les deux ans, les dirigeants des États et gouvernements membres de l'Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

Le Premier ministre Stephen Harper a déclaré en clôture que ce XIIème Sommet de la Francophonie, avait été une grande réussite et a conclu son exposé en félicitant la République de Madagascar, qui sera l'hôte du XIIIème Sommet de la Francophonie, en 2010.

Plus d'infos:


(Radio France Internationale):


vendredi 3 octobre 2008

French Artists in a VERY special exhibit at Texas Children's Hospital

The Making A Mark® art exhibit, a partnership between The Periwinkle Foundation and Texas Children’s Cancer Center will be showcasing the artwork of patients and siblings at Texas Children’s Cancer Center. This year’s event features the work of guest artists Régine Gaud and Gerard Visser of Lyon, France.

Making A Mark® is a program that provides children who are touched by cancer and blood disorders with an outlet to express themselves through art and writing with the help of professional artists and writers. This break from the hospital routine gives the children a chance to explore their emotions, fears and concerns in an uplifting environment. By controlling the creative process and sharing their individual creativity, the children can begin to heal emotionally and cope with an illness over which they have little control.

WHO: The Periwinkle Foundation
WHAT: Opening Reception of Making A Mark®: An exhibit of art by children touched by cancer and blood disorders
WHEN: Sunday, October 12, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
WHERE: Texas Children’s Hospital, Auxiliary Bridge – 3rd floor, valet parking at the Clinical Care Center 6701 Fannin
COST: Free
CONTACT: The Periwinkle Foundation, (713) 807-0191
DETAILS: The French artists, presented in collaboration with the Texan-French Alliance for the Arts and its partner SUEZ Energy North America, spent three weeks working with children at the Cancer Center on artwork which will be on display at the Making A Mark® exhibit. Many of the young artists will be in attendance at the opening to discuss their art with guests. The art will remain on display at the hospital through October 17, 2008.The Periwinkle Foundation develops and provides programs that positively change the lives of children, young adults, and families who are challenged by cancer and other life threatening illnesses and are cared for at Texas Children’s Hospital. In addition to Making A Mark®, Periwinkle also provides Camp Periwinkle, for children 7 to 15 years old from Texas Children’s Cancer Center and Camp YOLO, for teens ages 13 to 18 from Texas Children’s Hospital. For more information on The Periwinkle Foundation, please call 713-807-0191, or visit

Texas French Symposium


It's that time again! Here's an announcement & docs from Monsieur Toby Freeman, the President of the Texas French Symposium.

Cher(e) Collègue:

It is a pleasure to invite you and your students to participate in the 2009 Texas French Symposium, which will be held at Eisenhower High School, Aldine Independent School District, Houston, Texas,

February 27 - 28, 2009. The theme for this year’s competition is: “Paris Ville de Lumière.” The Texas Education Agency recognizes Symposium as the official state competition for high school French students.

Past experience has shown that both students and teachers benefit in many ways from attending and competing at Symposium. Trophies and awards are given to students and school teams who win events, as well as to the top ten schools and individual student winners. Generous scholarships for study in francophone countries are awarded each year to top students. Depending upon availability, teacher scholarships may also be offered. The spirit of competition encourages students to work hard and to do their best. Students also benefit from the cultural events which take place during the Symposium.

We again find it necessary to request that each participating school bring a French-speaking judge. In addition, we could use judges in music, art, as well as proctors for the 4 tests.

If you wish to register for this event, please complete the enclosed RSVP form, and include a $50.00 deposit (non-refundable). This deposit will be applied toward your registration fees. RSVP forms must be postmarked by October 6, 2008.

We look forward to seeing you and your students at Symposium.


Toby J. Freeman


Texas French Symposium


School Deadlines (PDF)

For more information, visit

Qui sommes-nous?

We are the Houston Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF-Houston). The American Association of Teachers of French (AATF) was founded in 1927 and is the largest national association of French teachers in the world with nearly 10,000 members. Our members are French teachers at all levels and include approximately 3/4 secondary teachers and 1/4 post-secondary. We also have a growing number of French teachers in immersion settings and in the elementary grades. As a professional association, we seek to address the concerns of our members which include: promoting the study of languages in general and French in particular; facilitating the implementation of national and state standards in the classroom; improving the training of French teachers by encouraging minimum levels of language and cultural proficiency, and exposure to the French-speaking world through study abroad opportunities; creating opportunities and finding resources for practicing teachers to update their skills and improve their teaching; and, finally, encouraging the use of new technologies in the teaching of French and actively developing materials to support this use. Our regional representative to the national office is Dr. Jacqueline Thomas of Texas A&M University at Kingsville.

Officers of AATF-Houston

Roya Razavipour MCARTHUR, President

Dore Sulistyo, Vice President

Johan P. Vergult, Grand Concours Director

Kathy KOCH, Secretary

Gerri MANLOVE, Treasurer

Claude BOUTIN, Destination France Program Administrator

Marci Pampe, Webmaster

Journaux français & européens